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Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Maria Lucic

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State Farm® Insurance Agent

Maria Lucic

Maria Lucic Ins Agcy Inc

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 9:00am to 5:00pm

Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm

Saturday By appointment


116-19 Queens Boulevard
Forest Hills, NY 11375-6533

Between 77th and 78th Avenue in the heart of Forest Hills, NY

Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Maria Lucic

Would you like to create a personalized quote?

Office Info

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 9:00am to 5:00pm

Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm

Saturday By appointment


116-19 Queens Boulevard
Forest Hills, NY 11375-6533


English, Spanish, Croatian


Did you know that September is Life Insurance Awareness month? Life Insurance provides you with a secure financial future and provides your family with benefits that can help them prepare for the future. Have you reviewed your Life Insurance policy lately? Statistics show that 41% of Americans do not have sufficient Life Insurance coverage or only have a policy through their employer. Everyone should have a Life Insurance policy that you own, and you control. We have many options that can fit within your budget. We know you likely have many questions about how Life Insurance works and all of the different types of policies available. Protecting you and protecting your family is the most important conversation we have with our customers. Call or visit our office today to schedule time, convenient with your schedule to meet with our team either in person or virtually. Life is fragile, let's talk about how we can protect you and your loved ones.


Greetings & welcome to our office located in beautiful Forest Hills, Queens, NY! We are looking forward to sharing a little about ourselves and learning more about you. Please call or visit our office to experience exceptional customer service our team delivers. We are here to serve all your insurance and financial needs, answer your questions and offer options within your budget. For your convenience, our services are offered in English, Croatian and Spanish in Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, NY State, NJ, PA & CT.


I grew up right here in Queens, NY as a first generation American. This both prepared and inspired me to live a life in service to others and eventually led me to become a small business owner, where I can make a difference in my community. I began my State Farm journey in 1996 in our Claims Department and then became a State Farm Agent in 2002. Through all of the ups and downs I have loved every minute of helping our customers and fellow small business owners to protect what they love and have worked so hard for. I guess you can say that it is my passion and my calling to help people with their insurance and financial services needs. Belonging to, volunteering, and supporting many organizations over the years has been extremely important to me. To give back, fills my soul and it is something that we all can do to make our communities better. When I am not in the office meeting with customers, you can find me creating memories with my family and friends. You will also find me spending time spoiling my handsome puppy Teddy, who wins the hearts of everyone he meets! His energy is infectious, and his smile will melt you. Another passion of mine is travel, I love learning about different cultures around the world and sharing in their customs.


We strive to provide a remarkable customer experience during each and every contact with our customers. We prioritize your needs above all else and look to develop a long-lasting relationship built upon mutual respect, and honesty. Our experienced team of professionals are here to help you, your family or your small business prepare for life’s unexpected events and to help you achieve your financial goals. Call or visit our office today to speak with our knowledgeable team about your protection plan. We can provide complimentary quotes and policy reviews for your Auto Insurance, Motorcycle, RV, Boat, Renter’s, Condo, Homeowner’s, Life and Small Business Insurance.


Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow

Member National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisrs

Alumni of Queens College

Alumni of City University of New York

Ambassador Travel

Honor Club Member


Be sure to follow us by clicking the icons above on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn & Google.

NUESTRA OFICINA ¡Saludos y bienvenidos a nuestra oficina ubicada en la hermosa Forest Hills, Queens, Nueva York! Esperamos compartir un poco sobre nosotros y aprender más sobre usted. Llame o visite nuestra oficina para experimentar el excepcional servicio al cliente que brinda nuestro equipo. Estamos aquí para atender todas sus necesidades financieras y de seguros, responder sus preguntas y ofrecer opciones dentro de su presupuesto. Para su comodidad, nuestros servicios se ofrecen en inglés, croata y español en Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, NY State, NJ, PA y CT. ACERCA DE LA AGENTE MARIA LUCIC Crecí aquí en Queens, Nueva York, como estadounidense de primera generación. Esto me preparó e inspiró a vivir una vida al servicio de los demás y, finalmente, me llevó a convertirme en propietario de una pequeña empresa, donde puedo marcar la diferencia en mi comunidad. Comencé mi trayectoria en State Farm en 1996 en nuestro Departamento de Reclamos y luego me convertí en agente de State Farm en 2002. A través de todos los altibajos, disfruté cada minuto de ayudar a nuestros clientes y compañeros propietarios de pequeñas empresas a proteger lo que aman y tienen. trabajado tan duro para. Supongo que se puede decir que mi pasión y mi vocación es ayudar a las personas con sus necesidades de seguros y servicios financieros. Pertenecer, ser voluntario y apoyar a muchas organizaciones a lo largo de los años ha sido extremadamente importante para mí. Retribuir me llena el alma y es algo que todos podemos hacer para mejorar nuestras comunidades. Cuando no estoy en la oficina reuniéndome con clientes, puedes encontrarme creando recuerdos con mi familia y amigos. ¡También me encontrarás pasando tiempo mimando a mi hermoso cachorro Teddy, que se gana el corazón de todos los que conoce! Su energía es contagiosa y su sonrisa te derretirá. Otra de mis pasiones son los viajes, me encanta aprender sobre diferentes culturas alrededor del mundo y compartir sus costumbres.

NUESTRO EQUIPO Nos esforzamos por brindar una experiencia de cliente extraordinaria durante todos y cada uno de los contactos con nuestros clientes. Priorizamos sus necesidades por encima de todo y buscamos desarrollar una relación duradera basada en la confianza, el respeto mutuo y la honestidad. Nuestro experimentado equipo de profesionales está aquí para ayudarlo a usted, a su familia o a su pequeña empresa a prepararse para los eventos inesperados de la vida y ayudarlo a alcanzar sus metas financieras. Llame o visite nuestra oficina hoy para hablar con nuestro equipo experto sobre su plan de protección. Podemos proporcionar cotizaciones y revisiones de pólizas de cortesía para su seguro de automóvil, motocicleta, vehículo recreativo, bote, inquilino, condominio, propietario de vivienda, vida y seguro para pequeñas empresas. NUESTROS RECONOCIMIENTOS, PREMIOS Y RECONOCIMIENTOS DE LA INDUSTRIA Miembro del Consejo de Formación de Aseguradores de Vida Miembro de la Asociación Nacional de Asesores Financieros y de Seguros Antiguos alumnos del Queens College Alumnos de la City University de Nueva York Viajes de Embajador Miembro del Club de Honor MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN SOCIAL Asegúrese de seguirnos haciendo clic en los enlaces de arriba en Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn y Google.

NAŠ URED Pozdrav i dobrodošli u naš ured koji se nalazi u prekrasnom Forest Hillsu, Queens, NY! Radujemo se što ćemo podijeliti nešto o sebi i naučiti više o vama. Nazovite ili posjetite naš ured kako biste iskusili iznimnu korisničku uslugu koju pruža naš tim. Ovdje smo da zadovoljimo sve vaše potrebe osiguranja i financijske potrebe, odgovorimo na vaša pitanja i ponudimo opcije unutar vašeg budžeta. Radi vaše udobnosti, naše usluge nudimo na engleskom, hrvatskom i španjolskom jeziku u Queensu, Manhattanu, Brooklynu, Bronxu, Staten Islandu, Nassauu, Suffolku, Westchesteru, državi NY, NJ, PA & CT. O AGENTU MARIJI LUCIC Odrastao sam upravo ovdje u Queensu, NY, kao Amerikanac prve generacije. To me i pripremilo i nadahnulo da živim život služeći drugima i na kraju me dovelo do toga da postanem vlasnik malog poduzeća, gdje mogu napraviti razliku u svojoj zajednici. Započeo sam svoje putovanje u državnoj farmi 1996. u našem odjelu za potraživanja, a zatim sam postao agent državne farme 2002. Kroz sve uspone i padove volio sam svaku minutu pomaganja našim klijentima i kolegama vlasnicima malih tvrtki da zaštite ono što vole i imaju toliko naporno radio za. Pretpostavljam da možete reći da je moja strast i moj poziv pomoći ljudima u njihovim potrebama za osiguranjem i financijskim uslugama. Pripadnost, volontiranje i podrška mnogim organizacijama tijekom godina bilo mi je iznimno važno. Uzvratiti, ispunjava mi dušu i to je nešto što svi možemo učiniti da naše zajednice budu bolje. Kada nisam u uredu na sastanku s kupcima, možete me pronaći kako stvaram uspomene sa svojom obitelji i prijateljima. Također ćete me pronaći kako provodim vrijeme razmazujući svog zgodnog psića Teddyja, koji osvaja srca svakoga koga upozna! Njegova energija je zarazna, a njegov osmijeh će vas otopiti. Druga moja strast su putovanja, volim učiti o različitim kulturama diljem svijeta i dijeliti njihove običaje.

NAŠ TIM Nastojimo pružiti izvanredno korisničko iskustvo tijekom svakog kontakta s našim kupcima. Dajemo prioritet vašim potrebama iznad svega i želimo razviti dugotrajan odnos izgrađen na povjerenju, međusobnom poštovanju i poštenju. Naš iskusni tim stručnjaka ovdje je da Vama, Vašoj obitelji ili Vašem malom poduzeću pomogne da se pripremite za neočekivane događaje u životu i da Vam pomogne u postizanju Vaših financijskih ciljeva. Nazovite ili posjetite naš ured već danas i razgovarajte s našim stručnim timom o svom planu zaštite. Možemo vam ponuditi besplatne ponude i recenzije polica za vaše osiguranje automobila, motocikala, kamp prikolica, brodova, iznajmljivača, stanova, kuća, životnih osiguranja i malih poduzeća. NAŠA PRIZNANJA, NAGRADE I PRIZNANJA INDUSTRIJE Suradnik Vijeća za obuku osiguravatelja životnih osiguranja Član Nacionalne udruge osiguranja i financijskih savjetnika Bivši studenti Queens Collegea Alumni City University of New York Ambasador putovanja Počasni član Kluba DRUŠTVENI MEDIJI Obavezno nas pratite klikom na gornje veze na Instagramu, Facebooku, LinkedInu i Googleu.

Insurance Products Offered

Auto, Homeowners, Condo, Renters, Personal Articles, Business, Life, Health, Pet

Other Products

Banking, Mutual Funds, Annuities

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The Maria Lucic Agency proudly serves the communities of Forest Hills, Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Upstate, Staten Island, Nassau and Suffolk counties on Long Island, NY as well as New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Our team of licensed insurance professionals will deliver a remarkable customer experience with each and every contact. Call, click or visit our office today for a free auto insurance, homeowners insurance, life insurance, business insurance or health insurance quote. We look forward to meeting you and serving all of your insurance and financial needs.

La Agencia Maria Lucic se enorgullece de servir a las comunidades de los condados de Forest Hills, Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Upstate, Staten Island, Nassau y Suffolk en Long Island, NY. Nuestro equipo de profesionales de seguros con licencia brindará una experiencia extraordinaria al cliente con todos y cada uno de los contactos. Llame, haga clic o visite nuestra oficina hoy para obtener una cotización gratuita de seguro de automóvil, seguro de vivienda, seguro de vida, seguro comercial o seguro de salud. Esperamos conocerlo y atender todas sus necesidades financieras y de seguros.

Agencija Maria Lucic s ponosom služi zajednicama okruga Forest Hills, Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Upstate, Staten Island, Nassau i Suffolk na Long Islandu, NY, kao iu New Jerseyu i Pennsylvaniji. Naš tim licenciranih stručnjaka za osiguranje pružit će izvanredno korisničko iskustvo sa svakim kontaktom. Nazovite, kliknite ili posjetite naš ured danas za besplatnu ponudu za auto osiguranje, osiguranje kuće, životno osiguranje, poslovno osiguranje ili zdravstveno osiguranje. Radujemo se što ćemo vas upoznati i zadovoljiti sve vaše potrebe osiguranja i financijske potrebe.

Our licensed team has many years of providing excellent service. They are available to assist you on your auto insurance, homeowners insurance, life insurance, health insurance and business insurance. The team has over 60 years of experience in the insurance arena. Count on us to help you with your insurance and financial service needs.

Nuestro equipo licenciado tiene muchos años de brindar un excelente servicio. Están disponibles para ayudarlo con su seguro de automóvil, seguro de vivienda, seguro de vida, seguro de salud y seguro comercial. El equipo tiene más de 60 años de experiencia en el campo de los seguros. Cuente con nosotros para ayudarlo con sus necesidades de seguros y servicios financieros.

Available Positions
Please Note: This opportunity is about potential employment with an independent contractor agent who solicits applications for State Farm products and services, and does NOT result in employment with any of the State Farm Insurance Companies. The employment selection decision , terms and conditions of employment (such as compensation and benefits) are all determined solely by the independent contractor agent.